
Updates Commands

Almost all commands under this category are related to features providing live updates and/or reminders.

All commands in this category are only available for servers (not user-apps) and require users to have Manage Server permissions to use them. These commands are also not visible to users who lack the permission (this behavior can be adjusted under Server Settings > Integrations Tab, although there’s also an internal check for permissions, so enabling it for users without the necessary permission will still prevent them from using it).

All commands in this category require the bot to have the Manage Webhooks permission in the channel where you are attempting to add the "updates" feature.

The features in this category can also be managed via bot's dashboard (opens in a new tab)



start - Start a shards live update


<channel>The channel where the live update message should be sent

stop - Stop a shards live update

Starts a live updating message with shard details. Upon setup, the bot will create a webhook in the selected channel and send a message containing shard info using that webhook. The message will update every 5 minutes with current shard details.

If either the original message or the webhook is deleted, live updates will be automatically disabled.


  • /shards-live start channel:#live-shard (starts live shard updates in the "live-shard" channel)
  • /shards-live stop (stops live shard updates)




start - Start a skytimes live update


<channel>The channel where the live update message should be sent

stop - Stop a skytimes live update

Starts a live updating message with skytimes details. Upon setup, the bot will create a webhook in the selected channel and send a message containing skytimes info using that webhook. The message will update every 2 minutes with current skytimes details.

If either the original message or the webhook is deleted, live updates will be automatically disabled.


  • /skytimes-live start channel:#live-skytimes (starts live skytimes updates in the "live-skytimes" channel)
  • /skytimes-live stop (stops live skytimes updates)



Set up reminders for various in-game events. Currently supported events include: Geyser, Grandma, Turtle, Daily Reset, Daily Quests, Eden/Weekly Resets. Sends a reminder to the chosen channel when a particular event occurs. You can also select a default role or specify roles for individual events to ping.

Currently, reminders for all event types are sent to the one channel chosen during setup. However, future updates may allow channel selection for individual events.


  • /reminders (starts the process of setting up reminders)
